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Help support our friends in Israel in their time of need.

Israel Study Tour with Our Lord's Community Church and Grace Community Church

October 16-26, 2018

Subscription options are no longer available for this tour.

God provided!

We wasted no time getting off the plane (despite little sleep) in Israel and hitting the road to see our first of many stops!

First up: Gezer, where we witnessed standing stones erected thousands of years ago to mark what God has done. We read Joshua 4, and asked ourselves: if we were going to create standing stones in our own lives, what answered prayers or miracles would they represent?


Situated near the International Coastal Highway and guarding the primary route into the Israelite hill country, Gezer was one of the most strategic cities in the Canaanite and Israelite periods. Gezer is a prominent 33-acre site that overlooked the Aijalon Valley and the road leading through it to Jerusalem. The tel was identified as biblical Gezer in 1871 by C. Clermont-Ganneau who two years later found the first of many boundary stones inscribed with the city’s name.

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After a quick lunch we traveled south to the Valley of Elah - where David fought the giant Goliath! We pictured what this must have looked like; the Philistines surrounding one hillside and God’s people waiting faithfully on the other!

Finally a bus ride to Beersheba to see the land that Abraham lived in, and read about his faithfulness to God but agreeing to sacrifice his only son. But God provided! God always provides. We asked: what do we need to trust God to provide in our own life?

Now a good nights rest is what’s on deck, so we will be ready to hit the road bright and early at 7AM tomorrow!

Elah Valley

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