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Israel In-Depth Study Tour - North Coast

January 13-22, 2017

Led by Ned Mervich, Ted McDaniel
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Trip Blog Posts

Following in His steps

posted on Sunday January 22 2017 at 3:18 am UTC

Today was our last day of our Israeli adventure, so we packed in as many sites as we could, here in Jerusalem. We started our morning at the Mount of Olives, which is one of the hills outside of the main city, so we had a gorgeous view. The first thing that caught our attention was the Dome of the Rock,...

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Walls, tunnels, and flutes!

posted on Saturday January 21 2017 at 12:57 am UTC

Shabbat Shalom! Another great day today friends, our first day in Jerusalem! Today started earlier than the rest of our days here, with our wake up call at 6 and breakfast at 6:30 (normally it's 6:30 wake up and 7 breakfast). Western wall and tunnels- known as "the Wailing Wall" in pop culture, the...

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A once in a lifetime opportunity

posted on Friday January 20 2017 at 12:59 am UTC

This morning we bid a heavy-hearted farewell to our beloved kibbutz, and made our way back toward Jerusalem. Of course we got some insanely awesome sites along the way! Here are today's highlights: Beth She'an- A short walk up to Tel Beth She'an was the perfect start to another great day here in the...

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God is good

posted on Thursday January 19 2017 at 12:57 am UTC

Today was wonderful! Wind was blowing on the Sea of Galilee, and we were ready for another great day of adventure! Today we tackled the Golan Heights. Highlights of the day: Kursi- this is the area, according to tradition, where Jesus went out and cast the demon from the man into the pigs nearby....

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What life was truly like

posted on Wednesday January 18 2017 at 12:51 am UTC

The wind whipped past our little kibbutz early this morning as we woke on the shore of the Sea of Galilee in Ein Gev. To say that we were humbled is an understatement. The wind blew most of the morning at easily 5-8mph and chilled us to the bone. 7 am on the Galilee is rough, but beautiful. So let's...

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From Masada to the Dead Sea

posted on Tuesday January 17 2017 at 12:20 am UTC

We woke to an incredible display of pink and blue over the Dead Sea as the sun rose on our second day here. Enjoy some highlights of what we did today! Masada- High up in the Judah Mountains, overlooking the Dead Sea, is the strong hold Masada. Built by Herod the Great as essentially an oversized...

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Experiencing the Land first hand

posted on Sunday January 15 2017 at 11:52 pm UTC

At 6am, the sharp ring of our morning wake up call jolted many of us up and out of bed, eager for our first day on this adventure. After a quick breakfast, we hit the road! First stop: Kiariath Jiriam, a beautiful garden and historic town replica created initially as a memorial of sorts, but later...

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Our Journey Begins!

posted on Saturday January 14 2017 at 2:25 am UTC

As our little group (and by little I mean 25 people) sits here at Gate 153 in LAX, we are all anxiously charging our phones, stretching our legs, and preparing for our adventure to begin. We sit here, a puddle of green in our matching sweatshirts for easy spotting when we get inevitably separated at...

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Preparing for our Study Tour

posted on Tuesday December 27 2016 at 11:23 pm UTC

Our study tour will be here before you know it! Once we're underway, we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family, to not only bring...

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