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Israel, Jordan Study Tour with Living Oaks Church

October 1-13, 2018

Subscription options are no longer available for this tour.

9 Weeks of Preparation

On July 11, around 30 of the LOC trip participants began a 9-week journey in preparation for our trip. Pastor Doug led our group through the on-line study course provided by GTI. Each week we reviewed the week’s readings, participated in some fun pop quizzes, watched Rich’s video and then had plenty of table discussions reviewing what we’d learned. We’d always start and close our sessions reciting the Shema together (well actually we’ve been singing it, but more about that later). I have to admit that we’re getting pretty good at it:

“Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.
V-ahavta et Adonai Elohecha b-chol l’vavcha
u-v-chol naf’sh’cha
u-v-chol m’odecha”

We also covered some travel tips/topics and spent time getting to know each other. We’re ready to go! Here’s a picture of our LOC study tour teacher, Pastor Doug, along with some of the class participants (got to practice taking photos with my selfie stick remote). Tonight was our last pre-trip class time, so we celebrated with a tasty potluck dinner. We also got our backpacks with all the goodies that came packed inside. Thanks to Signe for getting us ready and answering all our travel questions.

Thanks again to Pastor Doug for getting us prepped and thanks to Rich for this wonderful study. We are looking forward to meeting the rest of our study tour companions at LAX in only 17 more days and can’t wait to get our feet on the ground in Israel.

Clem Jasinski

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