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Israel Study Tour with Legacy Milestones

May 28 - June 8, 2016

Led by Brian Haynes
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Trip Blog Posts

Study Tour Wrap Up

posted on Thursday June 09 2016 at 12:37 am UTC

Now that our study tour is complete hopefully you'll be able to talk to one of us in person about what we saw, heard, learned, and experienced! Below is a wrap up video that serves as a nice summary of the trip and a reminder of all that we did. Leave us a comment below or head over and like GTI...

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The final day

posted on Wednesday June 08 2016 at 12:52 am UTC

It is almost unbelievable that today marked our final day walking the ancient paths. We walked, ran, sweat, laughed, cried, learned, and Lord willing, became more like our Rabbi, Jesus. The final day put us right in the footsteps of Jesus’ finals days. We began our day on the Mount of Olives. Here...

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The ancient path meets modern day

posted on Tuesday June 07 2016 at 4:41 am UTC

Missing photos have been added for the last few day's posts! Click here to view a previous day's post. Day 8 provided our first full day in Jerusalem. It was certainly different hiking in an urban setting where the hills are paved and the paths are full of people going from one place to another. Nevertheless,...

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Journey to Jerusalem

posted on Monday June 06 2016 at 2:39 am UTC

We have ended our time in the Galilee region and have begun to journey toward Jerusalem. Today we made some key stops along the way that continues to paint a vivid picture of what the Scriptures say. We began our day on Tel Meggido. This is also known as Har-Meggido, where we get the word Armegeddon....

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Intro to Hellenism

posted on Sunday June 05 2016 at 2:32 am UTC

After a welcomed Sabbath rest we ventured into another day in the area around the Galilee. Our time spent here has definitely challenged our thoughts of what it means to follow Jesus. We began our day on Mount Gilboa. It was a beautiful morning spent reflecting on the life of Saul and the life of...

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Continuing to follow our Rabbi

posted on Saturday June 04 2016 at 4:31 am UTC

Our second day in the Galilee continued to challenge us both physically and spiritually, but it was again a day spent thinking on what it means to follow in the footsteps of our rabbi. We began our day at Gamla. Gamla is not necessarily a popularized biblical sight, however what, or maybe better who,...

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Walking in His dust

posted on Friday June 03 2016 at 3:52 am UTC

Day 4 started our journey through the Galilee. Following the footsteps of the disciples and thinking about how they followed their rabbi caused us to really meditate on what it means for us to follow Jesus. We began the day at Mount Arbel. Mount Arbel is one of the higher points surrounding the Galilee...

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The end of our journey through the wilderness

posted on Thursday June 02 2016 at 1:10 am UTC

It is interesting to note that when the Bible refers to “the wilderness” it is not referring to the kind of wilderness that most westerners would picture. You have seen from yesterday’s pictures as well as from todays that the wilderness is the desert. As I stated yesterday, the desert is both...

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Welcome to the desert!

posted on Wednesday June 01 2016 at 1:16 am UTC

Welcome to the desert! On day 2 we journeyed from the Shephelah, which was busy and full of all kinds of life, to the deserts of Maktesh Ramon. The sight of the desert can only be described as breathtaking. It is both beautiful and terrifying all at the same time. We marveled at the deserts cavernous...

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The Journey Begins

posted on Tuesday May 31 2016 at 12:50 am UTC

The travel day is over and we have arrived in Israel! We united three groups, from three different states as we embarked on our first day walking the ancient paths. The energy level was high, but our expectation for what was to come was even higher. What would God teach us as we did our best to “sh’ma”? We...

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A Long Flight Ahead

posted on Saturday May 28 2016 at 6:40 pm UTC

After many months of anticipation, our study tour is upon us! We'll be departing tonight evening on our two-leg journey to Israel. If you want to follow along with our flights, check out the links below. Houston to Istanbul Istanbul to Tel Aviv ...

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Preparing for Israel

posted on Wednesday March 16 2016 at 8:36 pm UTC

Our trip to Israel will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground in Israel, we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family,...

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