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Israel Study Tour - Hope Fellowship Frisco TX

February 24 - March 7, 2019

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Ancient Cities

Our day started in Beth She’an (House of security). Our focus was on Skythopolis, A Roman city built beside the tel in 63 BC. The gymnasium, bathhouse and theater,which seated 7000, were all massive. The detail of the restoration was breathtaking; tiny 1 inch mosaic tiles,marble, granite and all kinds of stone used on floors, columns and sidewalks.

Beth Shean

Located 17 miles (27 km) south of the Sea of Galilee, Beth Shean is situated at the strategic junction of the Harod and Jordan Valleys. The fertility of the land and the abundance of water led the Jewish sages to say, “If the Garden of Eden is in the land of Israel, then its gate is Beth Shean.” It is no surprise then that the site has been almost continuously settled from the Chalcolithic period to the present.

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From there we went to Megiddo, a tel of 26 layers. Har (Mountain) and Megiddo became Armageddon in the book of Revelation. We stood on top of the Megiddo and looked down into the Jezreel valley where the battle of Armageddon will take place and almost seemed transported into time. We also climbed down the shaft they had built to bring water to the top-of the tel, saw anancient grain silo and studied the king Solomon.

Written by Donita Cahill


From the earliest times (EB) to the earliest historical records of the area (Thutmose III) to the future (Revelation 16), Megiddo assumes a prominent role. This is largely owing to its strategic location astride the Megiddo Pass (Wadi Ara) and inside the busy Jezreel Valley.

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