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Turkey, Greece Study Tour with The Forge Guild

May 1-11, 2018

Subscription options are no longer available for this tour.

Our Last Day

After enjoying an amazing evening last night, we woke up this morning excited to see the cities of Athens and Corinth. Our first stop was the Acropolis of Athens. We got the chance to see the Parthenon and all of the buildings atop the Acropolis. Then, we got a chance to read Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill just nearby. After driving to Corinth and enjoying a fantastic lunch, we visited the ruins of the ancient site before going to see the Corinthian canal.

It was a full day, but a great way to wrap up our trip. We are all very excited to see you and share with you what we have learned on our travels. Pray for our safe return and we look forward to seeing you soon!


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