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Today was an active, full day filled with smiling people who are thoroughly enjoying themselves. Here are the highlights:
Katzrin is a restored village from the first century. Taking the foundations that were uncovered by archeologists and studying the writings in the Tanaka and Mishna, builders were able to reconstruct and furnish a realistic family home. We dressed in the clothing of the day and immersed ourselves in the discovery what a typical home was like for those who lived during the time of Christ.
The ancient Jewish farming village of Katzrin was built around a spring, which still flows. Although there were standing ruins on the site, archaeological excavations have increased the number of accessible ancient buildings. An ancient synagogue was discovered in 1967 and excavated between 1971 and 1984. Other parts of the village were excavated beginning in 1983. Some of the buildings have been reconstructed on their ancient foundations and furnished with replicas of household goods and tools
We listened to stories as we sat crowded in the main room of the house. We imagined the roof above us being torn up and the debris falling down upon us when the paralytic was lowered down by his friends.
We made pita bread and baked it on a hot outdoor fire and ate olives, hummus, goat cheese with olive oil and fresh jam.
Caesarea Philippi opened our eyes to just what Jesus meant when He said that the gates of hell will not prevail against the revelation of God in His church. Pan was worshipped there in addition to other false gods. It was a vile and wicked place, yet Jesus took His disciples there to teach them a very important lesson. A lesson still needed today.
This abundant water supply has made the area very fertile and attractive for religious worship. Numerous temples were built at this city in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
We boarded a boat on the Sea of Galilee as the sun was sinking. A stiff wind was coming out of the west and whipping up the waves. We began to move out toward the center of the lake and tell the story recorded in Matthew 14 where Jesus told the disciples to head out to the other side of the lake while he went up to the mountain by Himself to pray. This was in the evening following the feeding of the 5,000. The disciples were roaring against a western wind that was battering them, and about 3 AM Jesus came toward them walking on the sea. We had two volunteers who had expressed an interest in walking on the water. But at the last minute they failed to get out of the boat for some reason. We all know the story of Peter getting out and beginning to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the strength of the wind and it’s fury. It is now connected to our senses. We will never forget it.
A fine dinner awaited us. Fresh caught Tilapia, locally called “Peter’s fish” was a major hit for those who were not concerned about a whole fish gracing their plate.
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