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Day one started bright and early as we left our hotel after a delicious breakfast around 6 a.m to head to Pergamum!
We began our day by taking rail cars up to the famous Akropolis in Pergamum. Here we walked the ancient ruins of the Temple of Trajan, the location of the Altar of Zeus, the theater, and the temple of Dionysus, the gymnasium, among other spots. Our guide Ozan showed us the immaculate and detailed architecture displayed, and its significance to the culture of the people at that time.
Standing in the ruins of the Temple of Trajan, Dr. Henning led our group in reading the letter to the Church in Pergamum in Revelation 2. We talked about the importance of imperial worship for the identity of a city. Here we also discussed John’s meaning of the phrase “Where Satan dwells,” and considered how the church of the first century would have understood this within the context of their life in Pergamum.
After a great lunch, we went to Asklepion, a temple to the god of healing, Asklepios. Wandering these ruins, we found our way to the theater where Dr. Henning led a conversation about what it meant for converts to seek their salvation in Jesus. This salvation was not only spiritual, but believers at this time were challenged to no longer seek saving power from any other source but Jesus Christ. This point was further intensified as we sat amidst the ruins of the Asklepion, where many would come from long ways to seek healing from sickness. Participating in the temple cult and worshipping many gods to receive healing and other benefits was part of what it meant to be a citizen of the city. Christians, however, were called to seek salvation solely through Christ.
As we sat in the theater in Asklepion, Dr. Henning pointed up to the Akropolis, where we had spent the morning. Earlier, Ozan had explained that ancient people believed the gods resided atop the highest hills. This theme was repeatedly emphasized as we explored the ruins of the temples dedicated to the gods on the Akropolis. From down in the valley, Dr. Henning reminded us of Paul’s words recorded in Acts, “He is the God who made the entire world and everything in it. He is the Lord of the land and the sky. He does not reside in temples constructed by human hands.”
On our drive to our hotel, we passed the city of which John wrote the letter to Thyatira. We read from Revelation 2 and discussed the warning to have total fidelity to God alone.
We ended the night with a delicious dinner, spending time in fellowship with one another.
Tomorrow is a new day full of exciting discoveries!
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