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Israel Study Tour with Crossings Community Church

February 16-28, 2020

Led by Terry & Laura Feix
Subscription options are no longer available for this tour.

Trip Blog Posts

Today we make our way back to the states!

posted on Saturday February 29 2020 at 12:00 am UTC

For those of you that have been reading and don’t know the faces behind the blog, our names are Cole and Karlie Grubbs and we’ve had the privilege the last couple of weeks to download all of our thoughts onto this page. We hope it’s been helpful getting a glimpse and maybe even learning...

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No longer living for our business, but for the Lord's

posted on Friday February 28 2020 at 12:30 am UTC

  Clear, fresh, and awake, we met up outside of the hotel today for our devotional. It felt like the warmest day so far, which put everyone in good spirits! Our first stop was the Mount of Olives. On our way, we saw the hustle and bustle of the city - people going to work, kids going to school,...

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The ancient city of Jerusalem

posted on Thursday February 27 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

Today has been a lot to marinate in. We finally made it to explore the ancient city of Jerusalem. We had an earlier wake up call this morning so that we could get to the Temple Mount before a huge line formed! The anticipation on the drive kept building as we saw bus after bus already parked along...

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Top 10

posted on Wednesday February 26 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

Today has been cold, rainy, and windy! All. Day. Long. We certainly made the most out of it even with the weather not being on our side. We didn’t miss a single site! We began with the Herodium, a massive archaeological site that at one time was home to Herod The Great. Then we toured the...

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Living from that humble stance

posted on Tuesday February 25 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

It’s weird to think that the next time we pack up and load the bus with all of our luggage we will be heading to the airport! I never knew how quickly almost 2 weeks can go by. But we’re not thinking about that right now… on to Nazareth!! Sunny and beautiful as can be, we were excited...

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What life would have been like

posted on Sunday February 23 2020 at 10:00 pm UTC

This morning we came prepared for the rain, but it ended up holding off and turned into a beautiful day! We met by the beach and looked out to the Sea of Galilee… again. I’m telling you, that view will never get old. It is so peaceful and serene. I love starting the day that way. We hopped...

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An ancient modern city

posted on Saturday February 22 2020 at 11:00 pm UTC

We are just about a whole week into the trip - already halfway! Time is flying, but we are soaking in every single minute! Today we had our daily devo time at the dock of the boat that was going to take us across the Sea of Galilee. A few took the opportunity to speak up and share some meaningful...

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In the Galilee

posted on Friday February 21 2020 at 6:00 pm UTC

We’re definitely not in the desert anymore. In the Galilee, we are surrounded by endless green land and tree farms as far as the eyes can see. This morning, we gathered to have our devo and worship. We sang The Lord’s Prayer, and after we did, as if it were planned, the sun was just beginning...

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Like living water

posted on Thursday February 20 2020 at 9:45 am UTC

Good news, it seems like everyone is finally acclimating to the time change!! There are still a few that are having a hard time sleeping and STAYING asleep, but we were encouraged to hear that it was getting better for some! This morning, we had our last breakfast at the Dead Sea hotel and then our...

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After seeing it with our own eyes, it’s easier to understand

posted on Thursday February 20 2020 at 12:00 am UTC

Hello & Happy Hump Day! To this point, one of our favorite parts has been the food. I’m telling you, there’s no hummus like Israeli hummus. Thank goodness we’ve been walking every day to balance it out!! Speaking of walking, our first stop today was a hike through the desert!...

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An old empty cistern

posted on Wednesday February 19 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

Shalom from the Holy Land! Day one in Israel has been full, fun, and successful! As we have processed through the day, our notes, and photos, we are already overwhelmed with all that we have learned and seen. We left bright and early this morning from our hotel and headed to Yad Hashmonah. The day...

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Jet lag is a funny thing.

posted on Tuesday February 18 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

For most of us, we were able to have a fairly relaxed and full Sunday morning before traveling began. The group was early to the airport and had plenty of time to catch up and grab some lunch. From that point on though, I’m not really sure what all has happened. From OKC we flew to Houston, quickly...

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Preparing for Israel

posted on Thursday February 06 2020 at 1:15 am UTC

Our trip will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family, to not only bring you...

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