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We started our adventure for this Sunday by loading up and getting on the road at 8 AM in the morning. It was an amazing drive as the weather was fine. It was a very wonderful day driving down the highway on our way to the Golan Heights which is an amazing ride in itself. On our left was the Sea of Galilea and on our right was the Golan Heights .
As we drove down the road Yhouda told us to look up the road at a clear area which turned out to be cliffs on the sea of Galilee. The cliffs are the only cliffs on the Sea of Galilee. Above the cliffs are some caves.
The people living in this area were Byzantine. They lived a different life style from the Hebrew people and they did raise pigs. Living above the cliffs in a cave was a demon possessed man. On one of Jesus’ trips to this area he encountered him. He demanded the evil spirits, or demons, leave this man and go into the pigs which they did. They then made a head long rush over the Cliffs to their deaths on the rocks below.
It is amazing to read the story in the Bible and to see the areas that this happened in Israel.
1. A visit to an authentic, ancient, Katzrin Village. Jesus heals a paralytic man
We then continued on our beautiful bus to an ancient Katzrin village to see how other people lived and worked in that day.
Upon arrival at the village the first thing we did was to put on a robe and a headpiece that people would wear in those days.
We then walked to an authentic olive press, one of the most important places in the village. We learned by hands on, how to crush olives by moving a large round stone by hand to crush the olives, collect them and squeeze them some more under a type of screw to get out every drop of oil.
We then mixed up some flour and water to make pita bread.
I feel the highlight of this visit was going into a real home of the day and listen to the teaching from the Bible. While Chester taught and as we sat in the cool of that room we could just imagine men climbing to the roof, taking the roof apart and lowering the paralytic man down to see Jesus to be healed. Mark 2 :1-12. Jesus forgave him and healed him.
The ancient Jewish farming village of Katzrin was built around a spring, which still flows. Although there were standing ruins on the site, archaeological excavations have increased the number of accessible ancient buildings. An ancient synagogue was discovered in 1967 and excavated between 1971 and 1984. Other parts of the village were excavated beginning in 1983. Some of the buildings have been reconstructed on their ancient foundations and furnished with replicas of household goods and tools
2. An Olive Oil Plant Visit.
Our next stop was at a plant that processes olives into oil and other products. We all had fun in the shop purchasing gifts, jewelry, and olive oil. We had a chance to sample pure olive .
3. The Gates of Hell.
We then motored to a natural spring and caves that were very close to the old city Caesarea Philippi. This area is a natural spring with caves above them.
People who lived there worshipped their god pan, half man and half goat who played the flute. They also worshipped dancing goats. No Hebrew would come to this area because it was unholy. The people who lived their considered the entrance to the cave to be the gates of hades
Matt 16:13-18 says Jesus brought his disciples there to teach them, saying to them “who do people say I am and Peter said “ You are the living Christ. “ Jesus then said “the gates of Hell will never overcome you.”
This abundant water supply has made the area very fertile and attractive for religious worship. Numerous temples were built at this city in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
4. Tel Dan
We drove to the city of Lachish to visit the ancient fortress of Dan and saw the front gate and the 2nd gate. Pastor Rob taught about the 2 golden calves - one going to Bethel and the other going to the city of Dan - 1 king 12:25-33, ll kings 9.
On the northern frontier of the kingdom, Dan was particularly well fortified. This gatehouse was built in the ninth century BCE, probably by Ahab, and is part of a series of gateways discovered.
5. Boat ride and prayer on the Sea of Galilee
At 5:22 pm we boarded an old wooden boat heading to the middle of the Galilean Sea. The water was calm, gentle wind and dark . Immediately the captain brought out the American flag and raised our countries colors as we sang GOD BLESS AMERICA .
Pastor bill taught about trials from Romans 8:27, Matt 13:23-43
We are refined by fire as gold is refined thru our trials and tribulations. The gold smith will heat the gold and remove impurity’s as they come to the surface He will repeat this process until he can see his face in the gold. Jesus does this to us until he can see Himself in us clearly. Looking out over the Sea as we travelled back to shore was truly magnificent knowing Jesus walked on this sea!
6. On to the hotel and a delicious dinner.
God bless—tomorrow another journey,
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