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Israel Study Tour with Calvary Church Los Gatos

January 6-17, 2020

Led by Steve Dang
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Trip Blog Posts

The city of Jerusalem

posted on Friday January 17 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

And our trip is coming to a close. We all can’t believe we just ended our last day. Our feet are tired, our eyes are heavy, and we are all ready to wake up tomorrow morning at 4am! Today was an adventure throughout the city of Jerusalem. By foot we walked the entire city and saw the most incredible...

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Hezakiah’s Tunnel and the Southern Steps

posted on Thursday January 16 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

Hello Friends and Family! It is Day 8 of our trip and we had the most amazing day. We started out the day seeing where King David’s palace is and where the town of a David is. It is amazing to see the excavations they have done and how it proves what scripture says. We are continually learning...

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The Temple Mount

posted on Wednesday January 15 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

It’s Day 7! Going into the Temple Mount this morning seemed intimidating because of all the tourists and security but we got in seamlessly. We Learning that Temple Mount has a lot of religious history not just Christianity. It is a holy place for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. We learned that the...

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On the road to Jerusalem

posted on Tuesday January 14 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

It was a long day, filled with several sites, lots of driving, and our first night in Jerusalem. We are tired and in bed, but happy as clams. This trip just keeps getting better. In the beginning of our day we headed to Beth She’an and because we are here with GTI, we got an exclusive entrance...

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Hands On

posted on Monday January 13 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

Day 5, we are so thankful to be here. Today we started out going to Katsrin and experienced the culture of the Talmudic people. We saw the village that they lived in, where they made and bottled their olive oil, and where they went to synagogue during the Talmudic period. It was incredibly fun having...

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Following in the footsteps of Jesus

posted on Sunday January 12 2020 at 12:00 am UTC

Day 4, we are almost halfway through this journey through the holy land! This group has been amazing to get to know, hear stories from, and learn from these past 4 days. It has been so cool to walk this journey with other members of our Calvary Church family! Today we went to a lot of different sites....

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A very intimate, exciting and heartfelt experience

posted on Saturday January 11 2020 at 12:00 am UTC

Day 3 of Israel, a very intimate, exciting and heartfelt experience. Something that sticks out most to me in all 3 locations are the words: exact location. Let me explain. The morning started out in Ein Gedi. Although raining, we walked about half a mile up to a waterfall where we learned about David...

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When you’re exhausted and feel like you can’t go on

posted on Friday January 10 2020 at 12:00 am UTC

What a day. We woke up and drove straight to Masada! To get to the top of Masada you either have to take a trolly to the top or hike it! The hike was steep, tiring, but so incredible. There is an intimacy that you feel with God when you’re exhausted and feel like you can’t go on any longer...

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We need more than mere courage

posted on Thursday January 09 2020 at 1:00 am UTC

It was an incredible first day of our journey through Israel. We have bonded as a team, seen incredible sights, and fallen in love with our tour guide, Dan. We spent a lot of the day in awe of what we were seeing. The Bible is coming alive every second of the day. During our first stop we got to see...

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We have arrived!

posted on Wednesday January 08 2020 at 12:00 am UTC

Today was the start of our incredible journey through the holy land! As a team of 19, we endured the long 12 hour flight to Turkey and then another small 2 hour flight to Israel. However, even in the midst of feeling tired, we cannot wait for tomorrow. To be where Jesus came to earth, walked, taught,...

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Preparing for Israel

posted on Saturday January 04 2020 at 12:55 am UTC

Our trip will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family, to not only bring you...

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