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Israel Study Tour with Calvary Church Los Gatos

November 18-29, 2018

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First day touring Jerusalem

We made it to Jerusalem last night! Today was our first day touring Jerusalem. We had a full day with lots to see including the Temple Mount, Western Wall, Bethlehem, and Herodium. It was so surreal to be in this city that is considered a Holy site for three different religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) and a place that has caused so much turmoil. Seeing these places is making the Bible come alive. I think about the Old Testament where God gives the exact instructions on how to build the Temple and the New Testament where Jesus is born in Bethlehem. During that same time, we hear of Herod the Great, the king in power when Jesus was born.


Herodium is 3 miles southeast of Bethlehem and 8 miles south of Jerusalem. Its summit is 2,460 feet above sea level.

Herod built or re-built eleven fortresses. This one he constructed on the location of his victory over Antigonus in 40 BC.

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It’s been an amazing opportunity to be here and learn more about the history of my faith! While I can’t possibly pick a highlight of the day (because everything has been so incredible), one of the awesome things we got to do was meet some Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem (Christians in Palestine make up a small minority of the population). Meeting them reminded me that despite the turmoil that goes on here, God is still very much at work bringing people of all nations to Himself.

Alicia Price

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