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Israel Study Tour

March 20-31, 2019

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The foundations of our faith…

We got to begin our final day on one of the most amazing and powerful spots in Jerusalem. We made our way through the crowds and camels, and got to sit down in an amphitheater on the top of the Mount of Olives. So much happened in this one spot, it was amazing to relive it. We could see in front of us so many of the spots Jesus lived out in the last week before the crucifixion. We talked through the Triumphal entry, the ascension, as well as when Jesus will return and touch down on the Mount of Olives…according to Zech 14.

We walked from there down to the Garden of Gethsemane, and spent some time alone with God—along with some wild horses. It was a beautiful spot to reflect on the powerful trip we have experienced.

Our next stop was probably the high point of the trip. We got to walk through the death, burial, and resurrection at the Garden Tomb. We took communion there together as it rained and hailed. It was beautiful, and peaceful, and provided a great climax to our time in Israel. These first three stops really tap into the foundations of our faith.

Several other highlights dotted the remainder of the afternoon. We walked along the ramparts (the top of the walls of Jerusalem). We visited the historical sites for the burial place of David and the spot thought to be the “upper room” (where the last supper was held). Appropriately it was right upstairs from the burial place of David. We went to the very Catholic site, “Church of the Holy Sepulcher”, where many believe the crucifixion took place. And capped off our trip with a very nice farewell dinner.

What an amazing trip. Many thanks to GTI for making this an extremely memorable time, and for thinking of everything. We ask for continued prayers for Judy as she flies home tomorrow with us—with a cast on her foot.

Thanks for following along….

Josh & Jeff

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