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Israel Study Tour

March 20-31, 2019

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A Day of Surprises…

We got up early today to be at the Temple Mount before the crowds…and it worked. It was smooth sailing all the way through. On top of the Temple Mount it was both eerie and exciting. There is a powerful sense of history, as well as excitement for the future, but also a bit of a darkness with the Muslim presence holding such a tight grip on control. Being in such a place is awesome, in the truest sense of the word. Knowing what God has done there—as well as what He will do, is humbling. We talked through the “Akedah”---the binding of Isaac, in Gen 22 and saw the origin of why this piece of real estate is so important.

We then visited St Anne’s church and the Pool of Bethsaida. We heard a message about the background of this famous pool—with the “stirring of the waters.” And we heard the amazing acoustics in St Anne’s as we sang acapella, “I love you Lord.”

Our next stop took us underground as we walked the Rabbinic tunnels—which run the length of the Western Wall. It was incredible to see the massive 620 ton stones (no, that wasn’t a typo) which make up the base of the wall. As we left and headed toward the bus, our trip and our hearts froze—as our beloved tour mom, Judy, slipped on some wet stones and broke her ankle. After a lot of prayer, and some good medical care, it appears she will be fine. She will finish the trip in a cast. Please pray for quick healing and a minimum of discomfort.

We ended our day by heading for Bethlehem. We toured the impressive Herodium, and discussed the end of the career of this incredible builder, effective politician, and megalomaniac murderous villain in the Biblical narrative. Herod was a formidable figure in the history of Israel. But was also mightily flawed. Our trip to Bethlehem ended with a stop at Johnny’s gift shop. A Christian business owner in Bethlehem who does much to support the oppressed Christian minority in a Palestinian area. It was a blessing to support his business.

Please continue to pray and follow our updates!

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