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BEMA Discipleship (TURKEY)

June 2-14, 2024

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Day 05 - Sabbath Day

We were pleasantly surprised to learn that a Sabbath day was introduced into our trip itinerary - a day to stop, rest, delight, and worship, a day to be reminded that God loves us.

Some of us woke early to venture out at 4:50am for a hot air ballon ride. As we arrived in the cool of the day our anticipation was building as a field of hot air ballons were staged and almost ready for takeoff. The experience was full of delight as we lifted off the ground. We were instantly given a new viewpoint from which to see this area of Türkiye. We were surrounded by creation and a quiet calm seemed to rest over us. Our family has a tradition of listening to a song on Sabbath called Color. It’s a long song, but it’s lyrics begin with: “You hold, the Universe. You hold, everyone on Earth.” It repeats multiple times to help us gain perspective on God and His mystery. The ride through the skies embodied these lyrics and gave us an incredible point of view of God’s good creation. As we were flying through the air, I recalled:

“If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even then your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” Psalm 139:9-10.   

I returned to the hotel and decided to rest in the form of sleep. I woke back up to our normal Sabbath routine of coffee, reading, reflection, and journaling. After reflecting on the teachings from yesterday, I focused in on 1 Corinthians 9. I explored that not only are we called the run the race in such a way to win the prize and the crown that last forever, but that our reason for running matters. My “why” for running and training needs be divorced from my ego and fully aligned with what God is trying to accomplish. Would I run the race without a prize, just for the mission of the gospel, because it’s just that good?

Some of our crew ventured out to the local shops, some played a game of cards, while others enjoyed the spa offerings of the hotel. Everyone seemed to find a quiet space for conversation, reading, napping, or just enjoying the present moment.

After lunch, Marty found a spot for us to gather for a relaxed and stirring Q&A session. Marty graciously fielded all the hard questions and helped to push us at just the right speed further into growth as Jesus followers.

In all, we finished our Sabbath day rested and renewed in the hope of what God is doing in creation and our mission in that story.

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