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Israel Study Tour with Allen Bible Church

April 18-28, 2018

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Uncharted territory

Today we took in the sights and scenes around the northern part of the Sea of Galilee. The day began with a devotion on the immutability (unchanging) God while overlooking the Sea to the west. The city of Tiberius was shining on the hillside in the morning sun under a clear, crisp blue sky.

Mt. Arbel – Our first stop was Mt. Arbel, north of Tiberius, and we hiked a short distance to the top. Our guide, Judah, showed us the Christian Holy sites that can be seen from the top and described how Jesus walked along this mountain on the path to Nazareth. The orchards checkered the land below and the sea glistened while JD shared about how Jesus, in multiple passages, withdrew to the mountains to find solitude with His Father. We spent a short time in personal solitude communing with the Word.

Mount Arbel

Mount Arbel (Hebrew: הר ארבל‎‎, Har Arbel) is a mountain in The Lower Galilee near Tiberias in Israel, with high cliffs, views of Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights, trails to a cave-fortress, and ruins of an ancient synagogue. Mt. Arbel sits across from Mount Nitai; their cliffs were created as a result of the Jordan Rift Valley and the geological faults that produced the valleys.

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Chorazin – We then traveled to the less visited Chorazin excavation site. There we learned about the concept of insula which is living in community. The homes excavated there were built so that there were common areas for living in community. We also saw a well preserved synagogue with the Moses seat (replica) and the Bema, where the passage was read from Luke 4:14-20. This recounts when Jesus read the part from Isaiah on the Bema which prophecies about Himself and then declares Himself, in a Jewish way, the Messiah. It was a very reflective and moving experience.

Lunch! We were served a delicious falafel in a roadside restaurant and had a surprise birthday recognition for three of our members; Stephanie, Lara and our guide Judah. And there was dancing!


The synagogue at Chorazin is a typical “Galilean” style synagogue. These synagogues are characterized by 1) a basilical shape with three hallways separated by two rows of pillars; 2) three doorways and the central one is the largest; 3) benches around the interior walls; 4) a stylobate to support the weight of the arches.

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Capernaum – After a short drive to Capernaum, the seaside HQ of Jesus’ ministry, we were treated to seeing the basalt rock ruins of the place where Jesus spent most of His time. A church is built over the site that is believed to be Peter’s home and archeological evidence confirms the assumption. There were also several ancient churches built around the home in the years after Christ as a commemoration of Peter’s dwelling. There was also a synagogue built there with many ornate carvings that survived the passage of time.


Jesus made Capernaum his home during the years of his ministry: “Leaving Nazareth he went and lived in Capernaum” (Matt 4:13).

Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen living in the village. Matthew the tax collector also dwelt here.

Capernaum is one of the three cities cursed by Jesus for its lack of faith.

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Fishing Boat & Sea of Galilee – We then arrived at a museum-type place where there was a preserved fishing boat dated to close to the time of Jesus. The process of unearthing it from the mud was quite fascinating as the wood was fragile and disintegrated when touched. It was over a 10 year process to rid it of pests and somewhat petrify the wood. It was on display and showed the length and width of a typical fishing boat of the time. The boat was surprisingly small with low sides and capable of toppling with rough waves. The story of Jesus sleeping in the boat comes to life when you see why the disciples were fearful of drowning! Then we took a ride in a schooner style wooden boat on the white capped and windy Sea. There was reflection time and it offered a beautiful view of the shores of northern Galilee.

Galilee Boat Ride

Tabgha – We rushed to the Tabgha (seven) springs and had a teaching about Jesus and His choosing of the fisherman to be His followers. In learning the rituals of the synagogue, the fishermen probably were not ‘top of the class’ in Torah school and weren’t asked to follow Rabbi’s. Until Jesus saw them, a Rabbi, that said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” And they left their nets and followed Him.

Mt. of Beatitudes –
From the Tabgha site, we hiked up a short trail to a shaded spot under a tree looking to the south over the Sea. Here, the Word of God was spoken as Jesus had said it and the beatitudes were read for personal reflection.

Susita and the Pigs – Our last stop of the day (whew!) was at a cliff area in the northeastern part of the Sea shoreline. This area is the only place on the Sea of Galilee where the land reaches the Sea as a cliff. This is where Jesus cast the demons out of the man and they went into the pigs and 2000 of them ran off a cliff into the ocean. Because this side of the Sea was pagan, it makes sense that there would be pigs for sacrifices and for food. It was a great reading of the story in hearing how the disciples were reluctant to follow Jesus to ‘that side’ and then they were met with the possessed man, yet the demons confessed Jesus’ deity before the disciples did. After He cast the demons out and the people of Susita saw the possessed man whole, they asked Jesus to leave. Yet the man spoke his testimony of what Jesus did for him and later on Jesus returned and taught to 4000 people.

The end teaching for the day was, ‘Where from here?’ Is the Spirit pressing on you to have more solitude time with the Father, to take a step of faith and walk on the water, to build insula with the community around you, to share your testimony of a changed life, to follow Him into unsure and uncharted territory? And so we shall end with the Shama: Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might. Amen

Mount of Beatitudes

The so-called “Sermon on the Mount” is recorded in Matthew 5-7 and Luke 6. The alleged discrepancy between Matthew’s version being on a hill and Luke’s being on a level place is easily reconciled with observation of many level places on the Galilean hillsides. Scripture gives no indication of the exact location of this event, but the Byzantines built a church to commemorate it at the bottom of the hill. Some of Napoleon’s men placed it on the nearby Arbel mountain.

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