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Israel Study Tour with Allen Bible Church

April 18-28, 2018

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The root of all truth

Wow! What another incredible day in Israel! We started our morning looking over The Sea of Galilea for our last time on this trip. We gleaned from Exodus 31:3 that says the wisdom of God is the root of all truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:6) As we prepared for another day of ancient history with some of the most influential rulers of the world, we reminded ourselves of how God has endowed wisdom to the right people at the right time through our history.

Our trip leaders have done an incredible job getting such a large group to pack in as many sights as we can in one day. There is so much to gain from each site and I know I’m barely scratching the surface but here is a very simple run down of our day, with my take aways from each site! Even if you aren’t on this trip, I hope you can

  1. Beth She’an- a city where the ruins revealed lavish, intricate design with massive columns, mosaics and fountains. 

The city gave us clues to their exclusive social life and their chase for a comfortable, easy, and modern lifestyle. Country clubs where the citizens (most likely, only the men) of the city indulged themselves in luxurious exercise, massages, a refreshing swimming pool, a steam room and even a large restroom made for men and women with running water. The theatron (Greek word for theatre) showed us the importance that this society placed on entertainment and their desire to be entertained. (Oh gosh, this sounds a little too familiar.)

As we sat in the very well preserved theatron, we asked ourselves “Who are we going to serve? Who is the God of our society? What are our idols? My first thought was my iPhone...what a shiny little idol that wastes so much of my time!) Joshua says, “As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Who are we serving? That is the cry of my heart, but how quickly I get distracted from all the entertainment at home.

  1. Megiddo- This is where the word “Armageddon” comes from. This city was destroyed 25 times and rebuilt. The most beautiful city gate was found there. The final battle (Armageddon) will occur at Megiddo, according to Revelation 16:16. I’m not sure any of us have processed the fact that we were standing there. I’m sure there are differing theological opinions on this, but sobering either way. Shortly before we left for this trip, my house lost internet service for 24 hours and one of my children referred to it as armageddon. I studied the book of Revelation last year, but clearly I must have forgotten to shed light on what that is really going to look like.
  2. Mt. Carmel- Wow! We read about Elijah in 1 Kings. He was a faithful man (we know this because of his prayer life) but not without flaw. He challenges the pagan prophets of Baal and with eager faith he proclaims “Whose God is going to respond!?” 

He faithfully carries out a sacrificial ritual 7 times with 12 rocks (representing 12 tribes) and waited for a hand shaped cloud to lead him. Before God responded, Elijah ended up slaughtering 800 of Jezebel’s pagan prophets. When God responded, Elijah ran 17 miles to Jezreel to spread the news. Jezebel found out and came after him. Elijah was scared of Jezebel and asked God to let him die.

Elijah was defeated, TIRED and OVERWHELMED. Hiding in a cave, God met him where he was and responded to Elijah’s defeat by respecting him, allowing him to sleep and only wakes him to nourish him with food and drink and then lets him go back to sleep. There was loud wind (coincidently, it was extremely windy while we were at Mt. Carmel) and an earthquake, yet God speaks to him in a still small whisper.

  • ”What are you doing here?”, God asks Elijah. Don’t get burned out for me! ...let me be God and you rest. 
  • Are we tired and burned out? What are we doing back at home?
  • Are we letting God meet us where we are, allowing him to nourish us and letting ourselves rest in Him? 
  1. Ceserea-A city, on the beautiful Mediterranean Sea where the biggest port in the world was built by Herod the great. (If I was Herod, I would have spent lots of time at that palace as opposed to Masada, in the hot, desolate desert. This was the trading capital of the world, importing all kinds of goods, culture and religion. A city that has been fought over by Christian crusaders and Muslims for centuries. This was the gateway to the ends of the earth. Paul began his ministry here, boarding a boat at this great port and spreadng the gospel to Greece and Turkey. Paul eventually made his way back to Ceserea, against the advice of many friends telling him that they wanted to kill him. He was captured and held in Ceserea in the Palace of Herod where they would only hold extremely important prisoners (this was emphasized by our Jewish tour guide). Because Paul was a Roman citizen, he is able to request and be granted an appeal to Caesar. He’s taken to Rome for the appeal and is able to share the gospel with many as he had been longing to do. During the appeal, Paul boldly defends Jesus instead of himself and is sentenced to death. Many said that he would have been freed had he not exercised his right to appeal to Caesar. Pauls’s ministry to the ends of the earth, his divine meetings and his willingness to sacrifice his literal freedom for Jesus, challenges us to ask ourselves, “who are we going to share the gospel with when we go home?”. Are we going to take the gospel to the ends of the earth... to our families, our children and to our communities?

We are ending this day in Jerusalem, overwhelmed and tired just like Elijah, but we are expectant for God to meet us where we are with much needed nourishment.

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