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Israel Study Tour with Josh Weidmann Ministries

April 1-13, 2019

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Going back in time!

Today we started the day in the northern part of Israel in an ancient city called Katzrin. We literally dressed up, played the part of ancient Israelites and ate as they would have in Jesus time. It brought the Bible so alive! We studied the story in Mark 2 about the four guys that brought the paralyzed man to Jesus. It was as if we were sitting there and re-living the whole thing! The sights, sounds, smells and even the roof thatching made the story seem so real.

We then went and visited the largest oil press factory in Israel. They make over 25 tons of olive oil each year. The owner left the olive tree orchards and came and met with us. It was so special! You may be surprised when we get home and look 10 years younger ... this stuff is amazing!

We then went the Mount Betal and heard more about the 6-day war. While this was a bit of more modern Israel history, it was so neat to hear Dan (our Israeli guide) tell us the stories of miracles that happened and gave Israel their land and freedom.

We had a hotdog lunch that Eli (our driver) made us in the park of Caesarea Philippi. We looked at Mark 8 and Matthew 16 where Jesus asked the disciples in this place, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter responded, "You are the Christ!"

We finished the day at Tel Dan. We saw a gate that was as old at 3800 years ago! It could have been the gate that Abraham ran through to get Lot back in Genesis 14:14. We saw the altar that Jeroboam set up in 1 Kings 12:25-31. We learned how we should not just worship out of convenience, but sacrificially and obediently.

Everyone is getting hit differently with different things, but it is wonderful and God is working in our midst. Please keep praying for us.

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