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Israel Study Tour with Joshua Wilderness Institute

April 5-18, 2019

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Shalom Shalom

We woke up on the shore of Sea of Galilee and now we are in Katzrin. We time traveled back into the First Century. We put on robe like things and head wear. The biggest highlight of this was making our own bread! We even got to put our own stamps on it!

Then right after we went to Tel Dan. There we learned about how Dan had so much potential but he wasted that potential. They took compromise after compromise and we saw the outcome of those compromises. What will we do with our potential? Will we take the compromises?

Compromise doesn’t win, Jesus wins. And He already did! Praise be to God our Father!

Tel Dan

On the northern frontier of the kingdom, Dan was particularly well fortified. This gatehouse was built in the ninth century BCE, probably by Ahab, and is part of a series of gateways discovered.

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We, then, came to Caesarea Philippi. The nature that God created is absolutely beautiful. Our God is an amazing creator. But mankind, as sinful as we are, we see this nature and we start to worship it rather than Him. Nature takes over. And that is what happened at Caesarea Philippi. Everything there screamed the world had won. They worshipped the god, Pan. Pan is half goat, half man. He is the god of parties and wild sexuality. The people of Caesarea Philippi would go to dark places to worship this god. They would hide, hide from the light, because light brings up the bad in us. How often do we go to dark places to hide our sins?

Caesarea Philippi

This abundant water supply has made the area very fertile and attractive for religious worship. Numerous temples were built at this city in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

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I was overwhelmed of how dark this place was. But we glorified Jesus at Caesarea Philippi. We looked at how far Jesus turned this place. We stand on a solid kingdom that will not be moved.

Our last stop was Mount Bental. We learned about recent things here. Between Syria and Israel and the Golan Heights. The most interesting thing was about the Yom Kippur War. There was a man, when he heard of the war he went off to help. He came upon a tank and went into it. He would radio to other soldiers on where they were at. And every time they would say it, they would be bombed. And eventually the man realized that the Syrians had the radio channel that they were on! He then “ordered” the rest of the soldiers to spread out. The Syrians then retreated out because they thought there was so many. After we learned about the various wars we got released to go check out the bunkers or get coffee, or both!

God has been showing me so much on this trip. The biggest one though is God will meet me where I am at. If I go back home, if I go back to what I am familiar with. Jesus speaks me. He speaks Joey, He speaks Soren, He speaks Camellia. Jesus will meet me where I am at. And I thank Jesus for that!

Thank you for following us on this rad journey! It has been so cool to see the place where Jesus walked and the places that He had tremendous impact. Layla tov
Kenzie, Lexi, and Mary Katherine.

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