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Israel Study Tour

March 17-29, 2019

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When Love Wins

As we stood on the Mount of Olives and looked out over the city of Jerusalem, we were reminded of the path Jesus took in and out of the city during the week of Passover.

Yehuda was able to point out where they believe Jesus held the Last Supper with his disciples. After they had eaten Jesus took three of his disciples and went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Yehuda stated that the olive trees in the garden are believed to date back to the time of Jesus. After Passover, no matter where it was celebrated, the families would always sing the same song from Psalm 128, “Let us rejoice and be glad!”

Pastor Mike pointed out the parallels between the Old and New Testament as to the death of 3000 Israelites because of their disobedience to God in the Old Testament and the 3000 who came to believe after Jesus’ death and resurrection.

One of the most peaceful places we visited was the Garden Tomb. Our spirit filled guide explained not to focus on the places of Jesus’ death and resurrection, but to focus on the events. The time spent here was very moving especially as Mike spoke to us before communion about God’s ultimate gift given to us through the death of his son as a reminder of his love.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the traditional site of Jesus’ crucifixion and burial. This site is now controlled by the Muslims, but they allow the Catholics, Greek Orthodox and the Armenians to worship there. Many believers make a pilgrimage to this site to touch the stone on which Jesus’ body was prepared for burial.

Our final walk was down the Via Dolorosa (the path Jesus took on his way to his crucifixion). We could only imagine how agonizing it was for him as we read some of the Stations of the Cross.

How do you say goodbye to a country that gave us our Savior? As we stood by the Sea of Galilee where Jesus told his disciples to become fishers of men, we too are commissioned.

Thanks to Yehuda and Alon for sharing your love of Israel with us. We will never forget you.

Written by Beth

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