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Legacy Path Experience

June 2-13, 2018

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The Sabbath

Today we had the awesome opportunity to participate in the Sabbath here in Israel. We learned that Sabbath does not just mean rest but also fellowship, and today we had some time to do just that.

Our first stop of the morning was in Beth She’an which included one of the oldest Roman cities Citholpolis the capitol of Decapolis. We walked the ruins of that city and it had everything one could want; a gymnasium, theater, arena, luxury shopping, temples, bath houses and even a spa. As we saw all that we realized that Roman city looked a lot like our home towns. We began to see the picture of what the disciples were up against and how familiar that looks in the struggle to share the gospel.

Next we had the exciting surprise of sailing on the Sea of Galilee where so many stories of Jesus happened. We listened to worship as we crossed the sea in a big wooden boat and it was incredible to think that we were on the Sea that Jesus calmed, and Peter walked on.

We docked on the other side of the Sea of Galilee and our next stop was in Susita, land of the Gerasenes or “driven out ones.” We learned about the man possessed by demons that Jesus healed and his transformation was a spark that transformed an entire community. We were encouraged to share what God has done in each of our lives because the world needs to hear how God is working in each of us.

In honor of the Sabbath we arrived back to our kibbutz earlier than usual and many of us had the opportunity to swim in the Sea of Galilee before dinner. We had an amazing day enjoying the fellowship of one another, hearing each testimony, and walking in the footsteps of our Savior.

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