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Legacy Path Experience

June 2-13, 2018

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Walking in His footsteps

We started the morning on the shore of the Sea of Galilee.  We talked about how God gives us tasks and experiences that prepare us for our future - foreshadowing the day ahead.  We drove a short distance and began hiking up the side of Mt Arbel.  Literally up the side.  We walked in a shepherds pen that gave a personal glimpse into what the manager would have been like for Jesus’ birth. We viewed ruins of a synagogue that Jesus would have taught in as he traveled back to his hometown of Nazareth.  

It was a strenuous day, but it served to remind us that traveling in Jesus footsteps can indeed be difficult. At the top of Mt. Arbel, we were surprised to realize that 70% of Jesus’ ministry took place in the area within our view.  We also discovered that Mt Arbel was a place that Jesus withdrew to pray - convicting us to look for space and time in our own lives to be alone with God.

Next we traveled to Capernaum - and learned about what it meant to follow the Rabbi in Jesus’ day.  We learned about how Jesus called his  disciples - and we talked about what it means for each of us to be his disciple.

We visited Chorazin where we walked thru an area that a large, extended family would have lived. We continue to build our 57-person  community while we consider how modern day society has impacted community.  

We visited the historical site of Bethsaida - where the disciples Andrew, Philip and Peter were raised as boys.  (Boys that became disciples and ultimately leaders of the church.  We thought about the impact that they made when they answered God’s call and we considered how God was calling each of us today.

We ended our journey today by walking into the Jordan River. We talked about Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan and then Pastor Brian offered it to anyone in our group who hadn’t already received in the past and to anyone feeling like they need believers baptism. Two of our amazing guys came forward to receive baptism. It was so moving to be there in that moment. Such a beautiful thing to witness and be a part of.

Today was a good, good day. Lord we joyfully look forward to tomorrow. Jesus be glorified!

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