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Israel Study Tour with Campus Ministry at GVSU

May 5-19, 2016

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It’s All About Perspective

We’re in Galilee! Our first full and 100-degree day here started off with a breathtaking view on the Cliff of Nazareth. Here, we learned about why Jesus took his disciples up to this ridge and why it’s so important to step back (or in this case, up) and gain a new perspective. But, more on this later. Next, we headed to the Nazareth Ridge where we learned about what Jesus’ life may have looked like before His ministry started and what it means to “avad,” or to work, to serve, or to worship in each of our different jobs. From here, we took a long hike on the ancient road, Arbel Pass, where Jesus walked on on His way to Capernaum from Cana. As we sat under a shaded tree, where much needed “ruaq,” or wind, cooled us off as we listened to Stacie teach us about why and when Jesus went to Capernaum and what He did when He got there. Capernaum was a place where everyone passed through, and it was also a place of darkness. Jesus preached repentance, chose His disciples, and brought hope and healing to the broken and hurting people there. Toward the end of this hike, our sweaty and tired-out selves were pleasantly surprised by popsicles bought by our amazing tour guide, Ariel, and bus driver, Eli! I couldn’t have thought of a better way to end the day than swimming in the Sea of Galilee and worshipping on the beach after dinner!


Jesus made Capernaum his home during the years of his ministry: “Leaving Nazareth he went and lived in Capernaum” (Matt 4:13).

Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen living in the village. Matthew the tax collector also dwelt here.

Capernaum is one of the three cities cursed by Jesus for its lack of faith.

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“It’s always good to get high” was said by a professor that Ben and Stacie had during their time in Jerusalem. “Getting high” refers to climbing up and seeing all of what God has done. As we sat in awe of the beauty surrounding the Jezreel Valley this morning, we learned about various stories in the Bible that occurred in this very land in front of us. Again and again, we read about how God rescued His people. Jesus took His disciples up to this ridge to remind them about God’s faithfulness and how He carried his people through the the rough patches of life. The Hebrew word, “zakar,” means to remember so as to do. So, not just to remember what God has done in the past, but to let that affect how your live the rest of your life. It’s so easy to get bogged down by the “junk” in our lives which causes us to have a negative attitude. When our current situation is less than ideal, it’s sometimes easy to forget to look back at the times when God carried us through tough seasons in the past. Today I learned the importance of remembering (zakar) what God has done in my life in the past and letting that influence how I live in the present and future. I can either stay on level ground, or I can climb up. It’s all about perspective.

“I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.” –Psalm 61:2-3

Kara Stadelman

Jezreel Valley

The spacious Jezreel Valley spreads out to the north and east from Mount Carmel, providing convenient passage for international travelers in ancient times. The fertile alluvial soil makes this the country’s breadbasket as well. The Bible speaks of the gathering of armies in this valley at the place of Armageddon.

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