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Israel Study Tour with Crossings Community Church

February 14-26, 2016

Led by Terry Feix, Laura Feix
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Trip Blog Posts

Study Tour Wrap Up

posted on Sunday March 13 2016 at 12:54 am UTC

Now that we’ve returned from our study tour you’ll hopefully be able to talk to one of us in person about what we saw, heard, learned, and experienced! Below is a wrap up video that serves as a nice summary of the trip and a reminder of all that we did. Leave us a comment below or head over...

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Coming full circle

posted on Sunday February 28 2016 at 3:59 am UTC

Thursday was our final day in Israel and like every day prior, it was packed full of sightseeing, walking, climbing, history, spiritual lessons, and fellowship. We spent the majority of the day in the old City of Jerusalem, the old City of David, and ended the day across the north side of the city at...

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In, around, and under Jerusalem

posted on Thursday February 25 2016 at 12:38 am UTC

Today was a long day full of special sightseeing in and around the old city of Jerusalem. Our first stop was the Mount of Olives, which overlooks the Temple Mount and old city, with the Kidron Valley in between. At the base of the Mount of Olives is a Jewish cemetery and off to the side were excavated...

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Step out in faith

posted on Wednesday February 24 2016 at 12:56 am UTC

We arrived in Jerusalem Monday evening after dark and we are now staying at the beautiful Dan Hotel, Jerusalem for the remainder of our trip. It's quite a contrast staying in a large (and very fancy) hotel right in the center of such a bustling metropolis than it was in the quiet kibbutz by the Sea of...

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posted on Tuesday February 23 2016 at 1:13 am UTC

Our team has certainly come together well during our first week. While many of the team are from Crossings Community Church in Oklahoma City, we have others who have joined from places like Michigan, Louisiana, and Texas. We have people from several different denominations and church backgrounds within...

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But who do you say that I am?

posted on Monday February 22 2016 at 1:28 am UTC

It's Sunday in Israel; the Jewish Sabbath is over and our normal day of worship has begun. We again started with a devotional time on the shore of the Sea of Galilee in gorgeous weather. Because it was Sunday, Pastor Terry preached a mini-sermon on Matthew 8 where the disciples and Jesus, who was sleeping,...

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The center of our lifestyle

posted on Sunday February 21 2016 at 1:59 am UTC

The day again started on the shores of the Galilee with a devotion. As we looked out over the Sea of Galilee where so much of Jesus’s three years of ministry took place, the sky was overcast. The day looked like it would be gray all day and we expected rain. After loading the bus it was a short...

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Homes and Hometown

posted on Saturday February 20 2016 at 12:56 am UTC

Is it really already Friday? Gosh the time is flying and we are all happy that we still have another week to go. We started today with devotions on the shore of the Sea of Galilee...pinch me, I have to be dreaming. What an honor to stand where Jesus and the Disciples stood and sing. We are now in...

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Faith thrives in harsh circumstances

posted on Friday February 19 2016 at 12:55 am UTC

Today was our last day in the Dead Sea region and it was another picture-perfect day. We had our devotion and then set for a short ride to Masada, which is its own mountain that Herod the Great built into a huge fortress/palace/city. We could either take a nearly one hour hike up the mountain or enjoy...

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Humbled by the desert

posted on Thursday February 18 2016 at 12:58 am UTC

Everyone said it would be pretty chilly in Israel in February, but so far it's been short sleeves, sunscreen, and gorgeous weather. Will it last? Who knows, but we are enjoying it. Today we began with a devotional down by the beautiful Dead Sea and learned that water flows from the Jordan River into...

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Metaphors brought to life!

posted on Wednesday February 17 2016 at 12:20 am UTC

Our second day in the Holy land began with a huge breakfast buffet and another day of unseasonably warm weather. We then headed out to Yad Hashmona, which is a complex built by Finnish Christians to honor seven Finnish Jews who died in Auchwitz. We toured the grounds that included a Biblical garden planted...

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Tel Gezer

posted on Tuesday February 16 2016 at 12:06 am UTC

After a three hour delay in Newark, we spent the next almost ten hours flying the friendly skies and arrived today in Tel Aviv just before noon, local time. The weather was picture perfect and our first stop was a picnic lunch in a nearby park. We were surrounded by almond trees, olive trees, mustard...

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Preparing For Israel

posted on Monday January 04 2016 at 10:40 pm UTC

Our trip to Israel will be here before you know it! Once we’re on the ground in Israel, we’ll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We’ll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family,...

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