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Israel Study Tour with Bethel Bible Church

October 24 - November 4, 2015

Subscription options are no longer available for this tour.

Our last Day

Mount Scopus
We started the day in the northeast part of the city of Jerusalem atop Mount Scopus. It was a panoramic view of the Old City. Where we observed the East Gate (also called Golden or Beautiful) and the 2nd coming of Christ through it.

Yad Vashem
We toured the Holocaust Museum which, when translated, means, “Hand of Shame.” It was a sobering reminder of the depths of depravity and the violence man can commit against man, and how it must not be allowed to happen again.

Holy Sepulcher
We visited the traditional site of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The church as undergone several iterations of renovation throughout the various periods of conquest, but it has been a venerated site for centuries.

Saint Anne’s
We sang together (I Love You Lord and Amazing Grace) in Saint Anne’s Church. The acoustics were amazing and the echoes lasted for what seemed like minutes.

Our tour guide, Ronen Ben Moshe preached through John 5 & John 9 as we sat next to the pool of Bethesda. This is the site where Jesus healed a lame man who was waiting to get into the water.

Garden Tomb
We concluded our touring day with a visit to another possible spot for the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was a beautiful garden to walk through, and to see the outcropping of rock that somewhat resembled a skull, or, “Golgotha.”

We enjoyed a lovely farewell dinner together in the city center, and headed back to the hotel to pack and rest. We return tomorrow, full from a wonderful experience together.

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