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Genesis 2:2-3 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
Today I observed and celebrated Shabbat for the first time in my life. My initial reaction of hearing about our day of rest was complete and utter joy. We got to sleep in TWO hours later than usual today, and my tired and battered body desperately needed a day of rest. As our group stood in a circle by the Sea of Galilee, we each remembered when the Holy Spirit brought us rest and then blessed the land of Israel. I remembered how I was brought out of darkness and despair, and I blessed Israel with light and hope.
During our two hours of quiet time this morning, I sat by the Sea of Galilee and rested, wrote in my journal, and waded in the water where Jesus had walked. I remember standing in the cool of the Sea of Galilee, twirling in a circle, with my arms held high, rejoicing, worshiping, and soaking in the beauty of the mountains and the water. I felt rested, relieved, restored, renewed and refreshed in my body, mind and spirit.
After a relaxing day of quiet time, a boat ride across the calm Sea of Galilee, a little shopping, a short hike and insightful teachings from Scott, I feel as rested and prepared as I can be for another 12 hour day of 7-10 miles of hiking. I have been renewed by the Shabbat.
How will I handle the Shabbat after I go home? Do you observe Shabbat? Most of us fight the idea of rest, that it’s okay to stop. God has blessed this day, made it holy, and set is apart as His day. Will I be able to make space in my mind and my life to set aside a day of rest on the Sabbath? It’s easy to observe Shabbat here since the nation observes it.
I’m grateful to my husband for his love and support in encouraging me to go on this amazing trip. I appreciate the prayers of family and friends for me and our group as we travel around Israel. I’m blessed by the community or insula of our group, and the strong arms that help me go up and down trails and climbs I would NEVER attempt on my own.
Julie Leathers
With 30 years of experience creating trips for other ministries, we've prepared our own signature study tours featuring some of our favorite itineraries and compelling teachers! If you've never been on a GTI Study Tour, take a moment to learn more about what you can expect.