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Israel Study Tour - Chris Brown

January 20-29, 2015

Led by Chris Brown
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Trip Blog Posts

Study Tour Wrap Up

posted on Friday January 30 2015 at 5:53 pm UTC

Now that we've returned from our study tour you've hopefully be able to talk to one of us in person about what we saw, heard, learned, and experienced! Below is a wrap up video that serves as a nice summary of the trip and a reminder of all that we did. Leave us a comment below or head over and...

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A beautiful and spectacular place

posted on Wednesday January 28 2015 at 12:57 am UTC

We had an early wake up call this morning at 6:00am. Finally, we got to visit the city everyone talks about, Jerusalem. The bus let us off in the street outside the old city walls and we started walking, ascending the Temple Mount. It was amazing to walk through the gates of the old city for the first...

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A full day of exploring

posted on Monday January 26 2015 at 10:54 pm UTC

Monday was been a full day for the team. And by full, I mean we explored what would take most work study tours 2 days to cover, and managed to compress it into 1 day! The bus dropped us off at the bottom of a valley near a bridge overpass. Nearby, a local would unlock the rusty fence that leads into...

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Hearing the Stories

posted on Sunday January 25 2015 at 8:53 pm UTC

Today we continued our tour of Galilee. We spent most of our day in the Decapolis, which is located on the east side of the Sea of Galilee and then ended in northern Israel. We started by visiting a 4th Century church in Hippos that is right below the cliffs. People believe this is the spot where Jesus...

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Prayer Mountain

posted on Sunday January 25 2015 at 2:16 am UTC

It’s our 3rd full day here in Israel. And it was a very productive day! At first light, we headed a few miles down from our hotel to a boat dock. It was there we would board a ship set to sail to Galilee. Once we were on the water, there were so many details this experience provided. The water had...

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To gain the whole world

posted on Friday January 23 2015 at 9:12 pm UTC

This morning, we found ourselves standing in a megalomaniac’s palace. We took a gondola to the top of an Arizona-like mesa, to see three of Herod the Great’s eight ancient palaces of opulence. We stood in his personal bedroom, saw the perfectly preserved remnants of his elaborately painted walls,...

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Gardens and Caves

posted on Friday January 23 2015 at 12:47 am UTC

Today was the team’s first full day exploring Israel. A few minutes away from our hotel in the mountains of Judea, was a local garden. But, this garden also had full replicas of everyday items found in the bible. We spent the morning getting acquainted with a wine press, olive press, hillside terraces,...

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Hitting the ground running!

posted on Thursday January 22 2015 at 3:58 am UTC

Our first day exploring Israel was exciting to say the least! Right after landing, we piled into the tour bus. Our first destination: Gezer. This was the backdrop for the Old Testament story of Joshua and the sun standing still. As we stepped off the bus, Chris Brown took a moment to center us (after...

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And we're off...!

posted on Tuesday January 20 2015 at 11:07 pm UTC

14 student ministries pastors from across 4 campus left Vista, California for Israel. It will be a 3 car ride up to LA so we can catch a 14 hour plane flight. Please pray for strength and that the team is able to sync quickly to the new time zone. If you'd like to follow along with our flights, check...

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Introductions are in order

posted on Thursday January 15 2015 at 7:11 pm UTC

The youth pastors of North Coast Church have the opportunity of a life-time: to visit Israel with fellow pastors including senior pastor Chris Brown! Our trip will be documented daily with updates and photos as we traverse the holy land. As we make our final preparations, we wanted to introduce the team. LUKE...

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Preparing for Israel

posted on Monday December 22 2014 at 9:59 pm UTC

Our trip to Israel will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground in Israel, we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family,...

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