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Israel Familiarization Trip

January 7-17, 2015

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Sovereign over every circumstance

We began our day by visiting a restored village dating back to the 3rd century A.D. The village is Katsrin, and the emphasis was to see how an ancient family and community lived together. We crowded together in a reconstructed house and learned of the faith of 4 friends who lowered their friend through a roof to bring him to Jesus (Mark 2). True friendship is a relentless introduction to Christ.

Also in the village of Katsrin, we visited a working olive press and made olive oil. We learned that a community came together to produce an economy that would fund the prosperity of subsequent generations. We also baked and ate warm bread to learn how a community must work together to survive and thrive.


The ancient Jewish farming village of Katzrin was built around a spring, which still flows. Although there were standing ruins on the site, archaeological excavations have increased the number of accessible ancient buildings. An ancient synagogue was discovered in 1967 and excavated between 1971 and 1984. Other parts of the village were excavated beginning in 1983. Some of the buildings have been reconstructed on their ancient foundations and furnished with replicas of household goods and tools

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From there we traveled up to Mt. Hermon along the border of Syria on The Golan Heights. We heard the stories of Israel’s struggle for freedom as they captured the region in the 1967 Six Day War. It is still a politically charged area that is strategic to Israel’s interests as a growing nation. Virtually everyone in Israel knows someone who perished in the conflicts of the nation; it is still very real and impassioned in the hearts and minds of Israelis. Amazingly, the entire region was covered in snow; several snowballs were thrown!

We then visited Caesarea Philippi in the northern region of Israel on the border with Lebanon. We heard the story (Matthew 16) of Jesus asking His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” It is a pressing question for all of us to this day. Jesus was strategic in asking the question here, as Caesarea Philippi was the center of lewd pagan practices, and viewed as a gateway to the underworld. The Church has indeed prevailed against those gates.

We briskly hiked to Banias Falls, a gorgeous waterfall that flows from Mt. Hermon and supplies the Jordan River. It was refreshing to walk among the lush landscape and see the significant difference between the northern country compared to the wilderness of the south.

Caesarea Philippi

This abundant water supply has made the area very fertile and attractive for religious worship. Numerous temples were built at this city in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

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We concluded our tour for the day by visiting Tel Dan. We saw an ancient ruin where worship of God took place in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. We saw an ancient Canaanite city gate that dates back to approximately 1,800 B.C. The tribe of Dan had moved north to avoid Philistine conflict, but it was not the land God had given them in the allotment. We learned that we must never give up on what God has given us…no matter how difficult it may seem. He is sovereign over every circumstance.

Eric Barton
Bethel Bible Church – Tyler, TX

Tel Dan

On the northern frontier of the kingdom, Dan was particularly well fortified. This gatehouse was built in the ninth century BCE, probably by Ahab, and is part of a series of gateways discovered.

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