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posted on Friday November 07 2014 at 4:34 pm UTC
Today started by hiking down from the windy highland habitat of the ibex and ended in a spread-out stone hotel in Petra, Jordan. In between we saw where KIng Solomon mined copper, walked through a life-size model of the tabernacle, and wheeled our baggage across the "no man's land" of the international...
posted on Thursday November 06 2014 at 6:55 pm UTC
On the second day of our journey to Ancient Paths, we were awaken by the shrill of a wake-up calls anxious to learn what the day ahead of us would reveal...more "rock climbing"?? First on the agenda...breakfast, and we were greeted with a feast of foods presented by the folks at the Isrotel Ganim Dead...
posted on Wednesday November 05 2014 at 9:43 pm UTC
Our day started with a visit to Gezer, where we sat on top of 20 layers of cities that had risen and fallen over several thousand years. We also overlooked the valley where Samson sent foxes through the crops of the Philistines with torches on their tails (see Judges 15). [topic name='beth-shemish'] After...
posted on Thursday October 30 2014 at 8:07 pm UTC
We are going to be heading to the Holy Land before you know it! Once we're on the ground, we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family,...