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#99 - Truth in the Tension

| Episode Guest: Todd Morehead

Rich Ferreira hosts previous guest Todd Morehead for this episode. Todd is the founder of Grafted Ministries and the creator of two films including Hope in the Holy Land: Delving Beneath the Surface of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Today, Todd and Rich return to discussing the age-old conflict. Although it is a heavy topic, it is imperative that we not only NEVER FORGET but seek truth in the tension. Todd's work tries to give an unbiased lens with which to view the Israeli and Palestinian people and a platform for each of their voices to be heard. After October 7, Israel will never be the same. Todd's hope is that his film and docuseries will educate, change the way people (especially Christians) view Israel, and encourage love and support for the Jewish people. GAIN a heart for both Jews and Arabs in the Holy Land. LEARN the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. DISCERN the truth from the propaganda. STAND with people who are taking real risks for peace.


Todd's bio: Todd Morehead is from Southern California, where he lives with his wife and four children. He is a graduate of Talbot Seminary with an M.A. in Biblical & Theological Studies and the author of Grafted In: Understanding God’s Role for You and Your Jewish Neighbors. He has a passion for leading Christians to Israel—a country he has visited over twenty-five times—to help instill God’s heart for the people and the Land. Todd directed and co-produced the documentary Promised Land: Israel Through The Eyes of Surfers (2012) and is the Co-Creator/Producer of both the feature documentary Hope in the Holy Land: Delving Beneath the Surface of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2021) and the new docuseries Hope in the Holy Land: The Series. In his spare time, he loves to surf.

Featured Site
Nova Memorial

Photos of the victims from the party are displayed at the memorial in the Re'im parking lot. At the site where the massacre occurred, a memorial was established in memory of the victims. On Tu BiShvat 5784, the families of the victims planted trees in memory of their loved ones, and the Jewish National Fund (JNF) erected posts displaying photos of the murdered and kidnapped, along with Israeli flags. At the base of these posts, artists from across the country placed red anemone sculptures, symbolizing the flowers that bloom in the nearby Re'im forest during winter and serving as a metaphor for the young lives lost.[4][5][6] Additionally, members of the civilian emergency response team displayed a sign with the message: "Bring Them Home Now," along with a fabric adorned with paintings of 40 colorful butterflies, representing the number of people kidnapped from the party.[2][7] Since the massacre, thousands have visited the site to lay wreaths. School groups, security personnel, delegations from abroad, and others regularly visit the memorial Episode Images