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#89 - Mishpocha (Family)

| Episode Guest: Jerrell Jobe

Jerrell Jobe and Rich Ferreira share about their time in Israel, right from the shore of the Sea of Galilee! What a special time they have had visiting not only familiar sites but, most importantly, familiar people - our treasured Israeli guides, drivers, and partners. This network of friends who feel like family is called "misphocha" [ mish-pookh-uh] - our GTI Tribe. As Rich and Jerrell moved throughout the country, they discovered that things were "normal-ish": quiet and peaceful, yet not exactly the same. God willing, soon our groups will be once again walking the Land, the Fifth Gospel! Our next scheduled trips to Israel are the "Stand with Israel" Signature Tour (August 2025) and the Jordan/Israel Signature Tour (September 2025). Follow this link to see details on the upcoming trips to Israel as well as other countries such as Turkey & Greece, Egypt, Germany and more!

mishpocha [ mish-pookh-uh, -paw-khuh ]  noun Yiddish mishpocha derives from Hebrew mishpakhá “family,” as Hebrew is the source of a good portion of Yiddish vocabulary. Hebrew belongs to the Semitic family of languages and isn’t related to English, but we’ve nevertheless inherited numerous culture- and religion-related words from Hebrew, such as amencherubjubilee, and hallelujah. Like its Hebrew source, mishpocha means more than just “immediate family”—it’s the collection of all blood relatives, relatives by marriage, and dear friends.

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Pool of Siloam

The Pool of Siloam (Hebrew: בריכת השילוח‎‎, Breikhat Hashiloah) is a rock-cut pool on the southern slope of the City of David, the original site of Jerusalem, located outside the walls of the Old City to the southeast. The pool was fed by the waters of the Gihon Spring, carried there by two aqueducts.

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