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#86 - The New Normal in Israel

| Episode Guest: Ronen Khayat

Rich Ferreira interviews our veteran tour guide Ronen Khayat for an update on Israel. As of this recording (March 29, 2024), things are quiet in and around Jerusalem. The northern and southern borders are feeling the tension, but only two of our typical sites on an Israel tour are closed. Daily life in most of the country has adapted to the "new normal." One of the things we love about our Israeli team is that the guides and drivers are friends and enjoy spending time together. One of the ways they occupy themselves is to continue to explore their own country, not only to learn it better but to enjoy it! Ronen and the group recently visited Emmaus (seven miles from Jerusalem, according to Luke 24:13-35) and saw Roman milestone markers (see photos). They also like to off-road in the Judean desert and prepare lunch on the grill. Israel in March is lush and green, with many flowering trees and plants. Until our groups can return, enjoy these beautiful photos! You can reach Ronen Khayat on facebook or at

Rich will be returning to Israel in early May and will be giving us another update, so stay tuned!

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Caves of Adullam

1 Samuel 22 says that David hid in the “cave of Adullam.” Today there are many caves at the site and it’s not clear which one or ones David used, as many have been used and modified in the years since. While he was here, 400 men who were in debt, distress or discontent, gathered around David. The Cave of Adullam was originally a stronghold referred to in the Old Testament, near the town of Adullam, where future King David sought refuge from King Saul.[1]

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