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#81 - Hope in the Wilderness

| Episode Guest: Brian Haynes

Pastor, author and trip leader Brian Haynes joins our podcast today. He and Rich describe the different types of deserts found in Israel and how they are biblical metaphors for life. Brian shares a personal story of when his family walked through a "YESHIMON" desert. In times like this, only the presence of God and a miracle of God will sustain life. These experiences led Brian to author War in the Wilderness: Fight for Your Family When Life Isn't as It Should Be, a resource for families to point them to God and to give them Hope as they walk through trying times.

Among his wise advice, Brian shares these points for families walking through wilderness experiences:

  • The Enemy is the Father of Lies and wants to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10)
  • Avoid isolation
  • Lean into God instead of away from Him
  • Listen and obey God
  • Don't go it alone (doctors, counselors, praying friends)
  • Take small steps in the right direction
  • Stay determined

Remember, God is in the business of bringing SHALOM to CHAOS, restoring things, bringing life and healing to places that are dead and broken. The Psalms use many desert pictures to remind us of WHO GOD IS. Psalm 68:4 ESV "Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the LORD; exult before him!" Order the book:

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Makhtesh Ramon

Machtesh Ramon is the most spectacular geological sight in the country. It is a window into the geological formation of the earth. The crater is 24 miles (40 km) long, 5 miles (8 km) wide, and 1600 feet (500 m) deep. The term machtesh is a geological term which means “mortar” as in mortar and pestle. Machtesh Qatan (Small) and Gadol (Large) look like mortar bowls in which grains are pounded with a pestle. This look is true of the big and little craters but not necessarily of Machtesh Ramon which is stretched out and narrow at one end.

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