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#2 A Nobody from Nowhere — Interview with Aaron Couch

| Episode Guest: Aaron Couch

Aaron Couch joins our podcast today from Colorado. He describes what is was like to lead the first GTI tour (to Turkey) since COVID restrictions began last March. He also shares about Lystra, the life of Timothy, and the message of God's purpose for each of us today.

Aaron has been in ministry over 25 years and his heart and passion are to see people made whole through the power and love of Jesus. He has led trips to Israel and Turkey (Biblical Asia Minor) and uses the text in its proper context to open up new worlds of freedom for those who experience the Bible in the places where it happened.

Aaron is married with 4 kids and has a BA in Christian Ministry from Boise Bible College and an MA in Church Leadership from Hope International University. He is a church planting and leadership coach and sought after speaker nationally and internationally.

It is Aaron’s hope that walking in the dust of Jesus and his first followers will inspire and set free those who come with him to the land of the Bible.

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Lystra (probably the hometown of Timothy) served as a market town of Lycaonia in south central modern-day Turkey. Paul preached here on his first missionary journey (Acts 14:6-22). After he healed a lame man, the superstitious citizens immediately assumed that he was Hermes (messenger of Zeus) and Barnabas was Zeus himself (same as the Roman god Jupiter). There was a temple to Zeus near the gates of the city, and a statue of Hermes dedicated to Zeus was found here as well.

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