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You’re invited to join us on a 9 day, all-inclusive Turkey Study Tour.
You will be immersed in the land and lessons of the Bible as you’re led on a journey through Scripture while your local guide and driver will bring the past and present culture of Turkey alive to all your senses.
Unlike other Holy Land tours, this tour is solely focused on bringing Scripture to life through first-hand experiences in the places the stories actually happened. An all-inclusive trip ensures you're free to focus on each moment without worrying about lodging, tips, transportation, entrance fees, food or water.
We’ve built into our study tours everything you need for an enjoyable and educational trip. We want you to be fully focused on the lessons and experiences you’ll encounter, and not be distracted by local tipping practices, transportation arrangements, or meal planning.
We believe that as a Study Tour participant you’re not a mere tourist—you’re an investment! This is evident from the moment you book your trip, through to the time you return home to share what you’ve learned with your friends and family.
Our seasoned guides and ministry partners do so much more than handle the details and keep things on schedule. Our local guides have personal experience and intimate knowledge of the places and events you’ll examine, and our ministry partner’s teachers have a shepherd’s heart and a passion for God’s word.
The guides have been so personable and so knowledgeable and so friendly. There's just never a bad day for these guys. They make you very comfortable throughout the trip.
— SteveWe got to walk the land and it made our bibles come alive, and my son being 17, he needed it to come alive. It solidified his foundation in his faith.
— JoeyGTI has done such a great job of taking care of everything... allowing us to feel at home and really focus on the things we needed to from the very beginning.
— JordanGreetings Potential Travelers!
I’d like to invite you to join me on a special eleven day “Footsteps of the Apostles” tour—discounted for pastors. A remarkable percentage of the New Testament has its context in the Roman province of Asia, modern day western Turkey. The apostles Paul, John, and Peter all spent significant time ministering in this area. Join us as we visit many exciting biblical sites, including the magnificent ruins of Ephesus, Paul’s home base for three years as he planted churches throughout Asia Minor (Acts 19:01), and where John ministered in his later years. We’ll see all seven churches of the Revelation, including Laodicea, site of the “lukewarm” church. We’ll spend time at Miletus, where Paul gave his stirring message on leadership to the Ephesian elders (Acts 20), and Colossae, where the letter to the Colossians was sent. We’ll visit Perga in Pamphylia, Paul’s launching point for his first missionary advance into Galatia. You’ll never read the New Testament the same after having “feet on the ground” at the sites of the first great missionary expansion of the gospel.
Mark L. Strauss (Ph.D., Aberdeen) is University Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary San Diego, where he has served since 1993. He is the author/coauthor of 15 books and many articles, and editor/co-editor of over 40 volumes. His works include commentaries on Mark’s Gospel in the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Series (2014) and Expositors Bible Commentary, vol. 9 (2010); Jesus Behaving Badly (InterVarsity, 2015); How to Read the Bible in Changing Times (Baker, 2011); Four Portraits, One Jesus (Zondervan, 2007) and The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts (Sheffield Press, 1996). He serves as Vice Chair of the Committee on Bible Translation for the New International Version and as an associate editor for the NIV Study Bible. He is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Institute for Biblical Research and the Evangelical Theological Society.
After graduating with his Masters from Talbot Theological Seminary, Rich and his wife Becky began working full-time for Hume Ministries in 2001. Rich’s passions are discipleship and teaching God’s word in a way that brings it alive in today’s world. In his spare time, Rich enjoys leading Biblical Study Tours (50 trips and counting), motorcycle riding, snowboarding, and spending time with his wife, daughters Ellie and Carmel, and his two sons Jaron and Ronen. In 2016 Rich and his family moved from California to Michigan to join the GTI Tours staff full-time, where he serves as General Manager.
GTI recommends considering trip insurance. Please click here for more information.
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